Monday, March 5, 2018

Lucky's Guide On How To Pack For A Convention; Part One

So, by now you’ve already gathered a rough idea of what this Blog is about. Here I post tips, stories, and plans for conventions of all sorts, from comics to zombies, from Starfest to AnimeFest. I hope that this helps you, and, even more important, that you enjoy!

So, on to the topic; packing for a convention. Whether it’s your first con or your fifth con, packing is an important part of the experience. Although you may not enjoy it, it is essential to have an enjoyable convention. For those clueless or looking to compare their lists to others, this is the post for you!

Part one; your daily bag.

Water is essential to going to any large, long event. You will definitely be running around the center to catch celebrities, artists, and panels all day, so water is an absolute must to prevent dehydration or even heatstroke for cosplayers! The best way to carry your beverage is in a moderately large leakproof bottle that isn’t too heavy and can fit in your bag or backpack without a hassle. If you know anyone who’s gone to the convention previously, you may want to ask whether or not the convention center or hotel where you’re staying has water fountains. Most often, both areas usually do, but there are instances when there aren’t any.


This one is a little less important, considering that most convention centers have either nearby restaurants or food booths indoors, but nonetheless a necessity. While walking around you’re going to burn quite a lot of calories, especially if you go for the entire day. I’d suggest taking some protein bars, traditional snacks, or, as a close friend said, trail mix to keep you energized throughout the day.

Portable Charger

Having a portable charger, cord, and block is definitely something I’d recommend. You never want your phone to die, preventing you from reaching friends, calling a taxi, or taking photos. As long as you keep a charged portable charger in your bag or pocket and use it occasionally, getting lost should be impossible for you if you’re prepared. And if you don’t have one, you can find one in nearly every Target, Walmart, gas station, or just about any other convenience store for fairly cheap.

Your Wallet

At any given fan convention, there are going to be a ton of sellers. People sell art, merchandise, T-shirt’s, replicas, collectibles, and basically anything you can think of. So taking your wallet with you is a good bet, especially if you want to buy drinks or something that requires an ID.

A Deck Of Cards

This one is much more random, but has good reason. If you look forward to meeting a celebrity or getting into a panel, definitely bring something of the sort to keep you and your friends occupied in the long lines to reach said celebrities or panels. You can also bring predownloaded phone games or simple games like charades or some shitty version of the ‘Alphabet’ game.

A Sketchbook

This one is circumstantial. If you’re going to a con with a lot of artists, this could be a good idea so that any and all personal art or sketches you buy can just be drawn directly into the sketchbook your provide, but this one is just a preference.

Basic Necessities

Onto the high-key obvious. Pack necessities, emergency things, anything that you usually take on a day out. This could include allergy medicine, female products, whatever. This is an obvious, but still worth mentioning.

A Small Baggie Of Rubber Bands, Safety Pins, and Hairties

This seems random as hell as well, I know, but hear me out. You never know when the person standing in line next to you might have their cosplay snap, or maybe a photoshoot goes wrong and a costume breaks. If you’re nearby and have some basic repair supplies, you could possible save the day! This repair kit could include a sewing kit, safety pins, basically anything that can help out a fellow congoer fix up their costume.

And there’s the first part of packing for your con! I’ll catch you guys next friday with part two, and thank you for stopping by!